One of my greatest joys at this time of year (among many) comes from watching those good ol' heartwarming and chuckle-inducing movies that foster a desire to bring peace on earth and good will toward men. (Or, at the very least, spread a few smiles ;). Among those happy films are such classics as White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, Scrooge (The Musical), A Christmas Story, Holiday Inn, Elf and ...
The Muppet Christmas Carol.

Oh, how I love the Muppets and their take on one of the most beloved Christmas tales ever told. And what's not to love? Lines infused with wit and good humor ... music filled to the brim with infectious melodies and inspiring lyrics ... and Kermit the Frog.
In the spirit of this show (which I watched recently ... the first of multiple viewings this season, I'm sure), I decided to share some of my favorite quotes.
And so, in no particular order, here they are:
Rizzo: There are two things in life I hate ... heights and jumping from them.Here are some of my favorite lines from that old 'n ornery duo, Statler and Waldorf:
Gonzo: Come on, I'll catch you.
Rizzo: God save my little broken body.
[Jumps and falls to the ground. He looks at Gonzo]
Gonzo: ... Missed.
Rizzo: Oh wait ... I forgot my jellybeans.
[Slides through the bars to retrieve them, and joins Gonzo back on the other side. Gonzo is staring at him]
Rizzo: What?
Gonzo: You can fit through those bars?
Rizzo: Yeah.
Gonzo: You are such an idiot.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Did I mention I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present?
Ebenezer Scrooge: Yes ... you did.
Ghost: Well, then come in and know me better, man.
Scrooge: You're a little absent-minded, spirit.
Ghost: No, I'm a LARGE absent-minded spirit.
Rizzo: That's it ... how do you know what Scrooge is doin'? We're down here and he's up there.
Gonzo: I told you, storytellers are omniscient; I know everything!
Rizzo: Well hoity-toity, Mr. Godlike Smarty-Pants.
Fozziwig: Here is my Christmas speech. "Thank you all, and Merry Christmas."
Jacob Marley: That was the speech?
Robert Marley: It was dumb!
Jacob: It was obvious!
Robert: It was pointless!
Jacob: It was...
[turns to Robert]
Jacob: ... short ...
Jacob & Marley: I loved it!
Scrooge: You were always criticizing me.In closing, I just wanted to add the lyrics to my favorite song in the show: It Feels Like Christmas:
Robert: We were always heckling you.
Jacob: It's good to be heckling again ...
Robert: It's good to be doing anything again.
It's in the singing of a street corner choirWell, that's it for now my friends. I love you all and hope that this season brings joy and merriness and a renewed desire to ease the pain and troubles of the world.
It's going home and getting warm by the fire
It's true wherever you find love
It feels like Christmas
A cup of kindness that we share with another
A sweet reunion with a friend or a brother
In all the places you find love
It feels like Christmas
It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the spirit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year
It's in the giving of a gift to another
A pair of mittens that were made by your mother
It's all the ways that we show love
That feel like Christmas
A part of childhood we'll always remember
It is the summer of the soul in December
Yes, when you do your best for love
It feels like Christmas
It's in the singing of a street corner choir
It's going home and getting warm by the fire
It's true, wherever you find love
It feels like Christmas
It's true, wherever you find love
It feels like Christmas