" ... forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff ...
Anyone remember the debt ceiling crisis of Summer 2011? How 'bout S&P's downgrade of the US government bond credit ratings that followed (first in US history)? Of course, then came the fantastic failure of the Supercommittee and the theatrical set up for the next big (and fantastically titled) economic crisis: the Fiscal Cliff.
The problem is succinctly summarized on beatthedebt.org:
If you agree, there is one simple thing you can do right now: Visit Debatethedebt.org and sign the petition requesting that "the Commission on Presidential Debates and the presidential campaigns to commit to dedicating one of this fall’s debates to a forum in which the candidates present and defend their plans and discuss what trade-offs they are willing to accept to achieve the necessary savings."
And, of course, keep spreading the word ... Let's really show those recalcitrant prima donnas in Washington that this is a problem "We the People" want resolved.
The problem is succinctly summarized on beatthedebt.org:
The end of the year will bring what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has termed the “fiscal cliff,” as various tax provisions expire and the $1.2 trillion budget sequester begins to take effect—threatening to remove trillions of dollars from the economy, coupled with an almost certain need to raise the federal debt ceiling.Obviously, the best way to avoid falling off the Fiscal Cliff is to stay as far away as possible (after all, no one fell off a cliff who never went near one). But to do that, we must get this issue in the public spotlight now by forcing Obamney (that loveable odd couple) to make it a major election year issue.
If you agree, there is one simple thing you can do right now: Visit Debatethedebt.org and sign the petition requesting that "the Commission on Presidential Debates and the presidential campaigns to commit to dedicating one of this fall’s debates to a forum in which the candidates present and defend their plans and discuss what trade-offs they are willing to accept to achieve the necessary savings."
And, of course, keep spreading the word ... Let's really show those recalcitrant prima donnas in Washington that this is a problem "We the People" want resolved.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Small Enough to Fail
In today's Financial Times, a contributing editor called for governments to instigate a modern-equivalent of the trust-busting of Wilson and Roosevelt:
Rather than jury-rigging the existing system, or falling back on meaningless calls to change 'culture,' political leaders need a modern version of Woodrow Wilson’s dictum. Where Wilson was for business but against monopolies, today’s leaders must be for finance but against banking behemoths. The instruments of finance, from risk models to derivatives, are useful when used responsibly. But the structure of modern finance – vast institutions that borrow cheaply because taxpayers are on the hook to save them – is an abomination that must stop.Well said, FT.
In 2011 the hedge fund manager John Paulson lost more money than JPMorgan’s London unit. Regulators didn’t worry, because his private partnership is not too big to fail. We need a system in which more institutions resemble Mr Paulson’s: simple enough to be manageable; focused enough to avoid conflicts of interest; and small enough to fail.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Loss, love and learning: Elder Richard G. Scott
In 1995, Elder Richard G. Scott, a member of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, lost his wife to cancer. In the fourteen years since that time, Elder Scott has, on occasion, spoken of this loss and of his experiences coping with it. Below is one such example, an excerpt from a Mormon Conversations interview by Sheri Dew with Elder Scott and his daughter, Linda.
Sheri Dew: Elder Scott, you'd been married, I think, 42 years when Sister Scott passed away. You were then a member of the Twelve. I'm wondering a couple of things associated with that very tender experience. The first is, are there things that you would feel comfortable sharing with us about what you learned in this quite remarkable experience, remarkably difficult experience, of having your wife proceed you in death and ... [second,] you've chosen not to remarry, are there things that you would feel comfortable sharing with us about that?
Elder Scott: First of all, Sheri, I didn't lose her; she's on the other side of the veil. We've been sealed in that holy ordinance of the temple and we'll be together forever. And at critical times in my life when I need help, I can feel impressions come through the veil in such a way that I just [say] "thank you Janene." So there isn't that loss. The second is, when you get it right the first time, you don't want to mess it up with a second time. We are so close and love each other so very much that I don't have any feeling of need to remarry. I recognize that for some men, there is a very strong support they require from a wife and so they remarry, and I don't question that for them. Janene and I prepared each other in all the ways we could think of for being able to survive well when one of us passed through the veil. I wish she hadn't been the first one, but that's the way it worked out.
Sheri Dew: Linda, this is such a tender topic. And I love what you said Elder Scott ... you didn't lose her, that's absolutely true. We speak all the time of loss, of feeling a sense of loss because the reality is, and now talking to you Linda, she's not here right now at the moment where you can pick up the phone and talk to her. [A]re there things that you learned - I'm sure there are things you've learned - that you would feel appropriate to share about life and about the Lord and anything else in the fact that your mother has already stepped across the veil.
Linda Scott: Well, I learned a lot about why she's needed on the other side of the veil. It was hard for me to understand why the Lord didn't think that Dad needed he here. And it taught me of the importance of the things that happen on the other side of the veil and it taught me to see the bigger picture. It also taught me about faith. I learned a great deal about faith. And there were several times when ... for example, there was one when I came to visit and help mom after she had a cancer treatment and we were there at the home and she was very weak and the nurse was not able to put in the I.V. and Dad came and gave her a blessing and then he had to leave to go to the MTC for an assignment. And it was snowing hard outside and I just couldn't understand that; I couldn't understand how he could leave. And it just ... it taught me faith in the priesthood and how he just knew that things would be OK, and they were.
Sheri Dew: Thank you. Wonderful.
Elder Scott, I want to play an excerpt, a brief excerpt, where you had some things to say about the passing of you're wife:
Elder Scott: I think just understanding the message of the Restoration that's come through the Prophet Joseph Smith and evidence that there is a Father in Heaven who loves us, a Savior who was willing to lay his life down for us, who's Atonement has made it possible for us to resolve all of the difficult challenges in our lives. When we have that overall understanding of our circumstances here on earth, it is not hard to exercise faith that in times of trial or challenge we'll be supported by a loving Heavenly Father and aided by a Savior who was willing to lay his life down for our benefit.
Sheri Dew: Thank you.
Linda, this statement from you father and his explanation leads me to want to slip in one more question before we take a little break. What have you learned from your dad and what have you learned about him since your mother passed away?
Linda Scott: I've learned that even though you have trials and unexpected things that come up in life, the responsibilities are still there, your covenants are still there, the things that we do every day are still there. And you can't put them aside. You just have to keep going and do the best that you can and in time, things get better. But you can't put those responsibilities aside.
Sheri Dew: And do you see that affecting the way you make decisions and the way that you feel about your life?
Linda Scott: Yeah, and as an adult now, I might not have seen that right then, but I look back now and think maybe with my little problems, I can't put them aside. I need to move on and take care of responsibilities even though things are tough.
Sheri Dew: Elder Scott, you'd been married, I think, 42 years when Sister Scott passed away. You were then a member of the Twelve. I'm wondering a couple of things associated with that very tender experience. The first is, are there things that you would feel comfortable sharing with us about what you learned in this quite remarkable experience, remarkably difficult experience, of having your wife proceed you in death and ... [second,] you've chosen not to remarry, are there things that you would feel comfortable sharing with us about that?
Elder Scott: First of all, Sheri, I didn't lose her; she's on the other side of the veil. We've been sealed in that holy ordinance of the temple and we'll be together forever. And at critical times in my life when I need help, I can feel impressions come through the veil in such a way that I just [say] "thank you Janene." So there isn't that loss. The second is, when you get it right the first time, you don't want to mess it up with a second time. We are so close and love each other so very much that I don't have any feeling of need to remarry. I recognize that for some men, there is a very strong support they require from a wife and so they remarry, and I don't question that for them. Janene and I prepared each other in all the ways we could think of for being able to survive well when one of us passed through the veil. I wish she hadn't been the first one, but that's the way it worked out.
Sheri Dew: Linda, this is such a tender topic. And I love what you said Elder Scott ... you didn't lose her, that's absolutely true. We speak all the time of loss, of feeling a sense of loss because the reality is, and now talking to you Linda, she's not here right now at the moment where you can pick up the phone and talk to her. [A]re there things that you learned - I'm sure there are things you've learned - that you would feel appropriate to share about life and about the Lord and anything else in the fact that your mother has already stepped across the veil.
Linda Scott: Well, I learned a lot about why she's needed on the other side of the veil. It was hard for me to understand why the Lord didn't think that Dad needed he here. And it taught me of the importance of the things that happen on the other side of the veil and it taught me to see the bigger picture. It also taught me about faith. I learned a great deal about faith. And there were several times when ... for example, there was one when I came to visit and help mom after she had a cancer treatment and we were there at the home and she was very weak and the nurse was not able to put in the I.V. and Dad came and gave her a blessing and then he had to leave to go to the MTC for an assignment. And it was snowing hard outside and I just couldn't understand that; I couldn't understand how he could leave. And it just ... it taught me faith in the priesthood and how he just knew that things would be OK, and they were.
Sheri Dew: Thank you. Wonderful.
Elder Scott, I want to play an excerpt, a brief excerpt, where you had some things to say about the passing of you're wife:
Fourteen years ago the Lord took my wife beyond the veil. I love her with all my heart, but I have never complained because I know it was His will. I have never asked why but rather what is it that He wants me to learn from this experience. I believe that is a good way to face the unpleasant things in our lives, not complaining but thanking the Lord for the trust He places in us when He gives us the opportunity to overcome difficulties.
What I am trying to teach is that when we keep the temple covenants we have made and when we live righteously in order to maintain the blessings promised by those ordinances, then come what may, we have no reason to worry or to feel despondent.Sheri Dew: My question, Elder Scott is this: That statement is a remarkable statement of faith ... filled with faith. Do you have counsel for those who are listening and who may have just suffered something devastating in their lives or something that they don't understand or something that has even made them wonder if the Lord knows who they are. Do you have some counsel for them about how you develop the kind of faith that this passage demonstrates?
Elder Scott: I think just understanding the message of the Restoration that's come through the Prophet Joseph Smith and evidence that there is a Father in Heaven who loves us, a Savior who was willing to lay his life down for us, who's Atonement has made it possible for us to resolve all of the difficult challenges in our lives. When we have that overall understanding of our circumstances here on earth, it is not hard to exercise faith that in times of trial or challenge we'll be supported by a loving Heavenly Father and aided by a Savior who was willing to lay his life down for our benefit.
Sheri Dew: Thank you.
Linda, this statement from you father and his explanation leads me to want to slip in one more question before we take a little break. What have you learned from your dad and what have you learned about him since your mother passed away?
Linda Scott: I've learned that even though you have trials and unexpected things that come up in life, the responsibilities are still there, your covenants are still there, the things that we do every day are still there. And you can't put them aside. You just have to keep going and do the best that you can and in time, things get better. But you can't put those responsibilities aside.
Sheri Dew: And do you see that affecting the way you make decisions and the way that you feel about your life?
Linda Scott: Yeah, and as an adult now, I might not have seen that right then, but I look back now and think maybe with my little problems, I can't put them aside. I need to move on and take care of responsibilities even though things are tough.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Well done, DOJ
Although not always a fan of lawsuits pursued on a personal level (I believe that, although necessary in some cases, such lawsuits more often than not ruin lives), I can't help but throw out some kudos to the Department of Justice which recently brought suit against Apple and five major book publishers (including Penguin, Harper Collins and Simon and Schuster) for "collud[ing] to increase the price of ebooks," a move which allegedly "cost consumers 'tens of millions of dollars.'" Apparently, these nogoodniks, including Steve Jobs, "worked together to eliminate competition among stores selling ebooks" by "rais[ing] the price of best-selling titles $2 to $5 each by introducing, at the same time Apple launched its iPad tablet, an “agency” business model in which publishers set retail prices." Apparently, Apple also insisted on "a 'most favoured nation' clause in which publishers agreed not to sell on cheaper terms elsewhere – while giving Apple a 30% commission on every sale – forc[ing] other retailers [including Kindle and Barnes & Noble] to adopt the same terms (see Financial Times story here).
As an American with fiery trust-busting fervor flowing throw my veins, the story rings mightily of injustice. But as one of those customers bilked out of extra cash by such collusion, I hear that ring even more clearly.
See, in the good ol' days, Amazon set the price for its eBooks at $9.99 - a veritable steal of a deal for avid bibliophiles like me. But then the price of eBooks began to increase until the point where, in some cases, it now costs more to buy an electronic copy of a book than the bound volume.
And so I applaud this suit most heartily, particularly as it seems to be bearing fruit (three of the publishers have already settled, putting strong pressure on Apple and the remaining publishers to do the same).
Under the terms of the settlement, it seems that the DOJ (and several states which have also sued Apple and the book publishers) will get their own (monetary) pound of flesh out of the baddies; but the best part is that, as part of the settlement, the DOJ is requiring that the publishers "let retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble, set their own prices for ebooks."
Booyah. I can only hope that the days of the $9.99 novel will return ... and I can again enjoy the full might of Kindle's glory on the (comparative) cheap.
As an American with fiery trust-busting fervor flowing throw my veins, the story rings mightily of injustice. But as one of those customers bilked out of extra cash by such collusion, I hear that ring even more clearly.
See, in the good ol' days, Amazon set the price for its eBooks at $9.99 - a veritable steal of a deal for avid bibliophiles like me. But then the price of eBooks began to increase until the point where, in some cases, it now costs more to buy an electronic copy of a book than the bound volume.
And so I applaud this suit most heartily, particularly as it seems to be bearing fruit (three of the publishers have already settled, putting strong pressure on Apple and the remaining publishers to do the same).
Under the terms of the settlement, it seems that the DOJ (and several states which have also sued Apple and the book publishers) will get their own (monetary) pound of flesh out of the baddies; but the best part is that, as part of the settlement, the DOJ is requiring that the publishers "let retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble, set their own prices for ebooks."
Booyah. I can only hope that the days of the $9.99 novel will return ... and I can again enjoy the full might of Kindle's glory on the (comparative) cheap.
Monday, April 9, 2012
True Love
The simple example shown by my parents during the difficult days of my mother's illness and death have taught me more about the nature (and celestial possibilities) of human love than all the words that have been spoken, lessons that have been given or books that have been written on the subject:
Thank you both for showing me what I can someday have.
I love you, Mom, now and forever.
I love you, Mom, now and forever.
It was good for us to be here ...

General Conference (of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterd-day Saints), which is held semi-annually in October and April, has long been among my favorite times of year. What could be better than to be taught the words of God as delivered by His chosen and ordained servants on the earth (and then to have the verity of those words confirmed through the power of the Holy Spirit)?
Answer: Not much.
General Conference is a time to learn doctrine* and to reset our lives as we strive to be ever more honest, selfless, patient, kind and loving (which, in this world, seems to become more difficult by the day). Although touched by many impressions and thoughts (both prompted by, and independent of, the words spoken), I want to share some quotes from the April 2012 sessions of Conference that particularly struck me:
"May each of us resolve anew to live so that we are worthy sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. May we continue to oppose evil wherever it is found." - President Thomas S. Monson
"The purpose of the Church is to help us live the Gospel." - Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
"'Love of God is the root of all virtue, of all goodness, of all strength of character, of all fidelity to do right.'" - Elder Paul E. Koelliker (quoting President Gordon B. Hinckley)
"Just as the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is at the center of the plan of salvation, we followers of Christ must make our own sacrifices to prepare for the destiny that plan provides for us." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
"I have visited with a woman who received the miracle of sufficient strength to endure unimaginable losses with just the simple capacity to repeat endlessly the words 'I know that my Redeemer lives.'" - President Henry B. Eyering
"So be kind, and be grateful that God is kind. It is a happy way to live." - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
"We consume such precious emotional and spiritual capital clinging tenaciously to the memory of a discordant note we struck in a childhood piano recital, or something a spouse said or did 20 years ago that we are determined to hold over his or her head for another 20, or an incident in Church history that proved no more or less than that mortals will always struggle to measure up to the immortal hopes placed before them. Even if one of those grievances did not originate with you, it can end with you. - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
"The purpose of both temporal and spiritual self-reliance is to get ourselves on higher ground so that we can lift others in need." - Elder Robert D. Hales
"In the kingdom of God there are no second-class citizens." - Elder David S. Baxter
"Although you may at times have asked, why me? it is through the hardships of life that we grow toward godhood as our character is shaped in the crucible of affliction, as the events of life take place while God respects the agency of man. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell commented, we cannot do all the sums or make it all add up because 'we do not have all the numbers.'" - Elder David S. Baxter
"[O]ur daily question must be, 'Do my actions place me in the Lord’s or in the enemy’s territory?'" - Elder Ulisses Soares
"The essential doctrine of agency requires that a testimony of the restored gospel be based on faith rather than just external or scientific proof. Obsessive focus on things not yet fully revealed, such as how the virgin birth or the Resurrection of the Savior could have occurred or exactly how Joseph Smith translated our scriptures, will not be efficacious or yield spiritual progress. These are matters of faith. Ultimately, Moroni’s counsel to read and ponder and then ask God in all sincerity of heart, with real intent, to confirm scriptural truths by the witness of the Spirit is the answer." - Elder Quentin L. Cook
"Humility is a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit of inspiration to know what to do." - Elder Richard G. Scott
Nothing about the priesthood is self-centered. The priesthood always is used to serve, to bless, and to strengthen other people." - Elder David A. Bednar
Ordination confers authority, but righteousness is required to act with power as we strive to lift souls, to teach and testify, to bless and counsel, and to advance the work of salvation." - Elder David A. Bednar
"During World War II approximately 500 U.S. soldiers and supporting locals were held captive in a prison camp. Because of the suffering and concern for their safety, a volunteer force of approximately 100 U.S. soldiers was selected to rescue these prisoners. After the volunteers were assembled, the commanding officer instructed them something like this: “This evening you men meet with your religious leaders, you kneel down, and you swear to God that as long as you have a single breath of life, you will not let one of these men suffer one more moment.” ... Should we be less valiant in our efforts to rescue those who could suffer spiritual and eternal consequences? Should we make less of a commitment to the Lord?" - Bishop Richard C. Edgely
"Dear young men of the Church, let me ask you a question that I hope you will carry in your heart for the rest of your life. What greater power can you acquire on earth than the priesthood of God? What power could possibly be greater than the capacity to assist our Heavenly Father in changing the lives of your fellowmen, to help them along the pathway of eternal happiness by being cleansed of sin and wrongdoing?" - Brother Adrián Ochoa
"We must not allow the doctrines of the priesthood to lie dormant in our hearts and unapplied in our lives. If there is a marriage or family in need of rescue—perhaps even our own—let’s not just wait and see. Rather, let us thank God for the plan of happiness that includes faith, repentance, forgiveness, and new beginnings. Applying priesthood doctrine will qualify us as husbands, as fathers, as sons who understand the why of the priesthood and its power to recapture and secure the beauty and holiness of eternal families." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"The Holy Spirit of Promise, through our obedience and sacrifice, must seal our temple covenants in order to be realized in the world to come." - President Henry B. Eyering
"At times the wisdom of God appears as being foolish or just too difficult, but one of the greatest and most valuable lessons we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right." - President Thomas S. Monson
"If we are not worthy, it is possible to lose the power of the priesthood; and if we lose it, we have lost the essence of exaltation. Let us be worthy to serve." - President Thomas S. Monson
"This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following: Stop it!" - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Be we reminded that a perfect body is not required to achieve one’s divine destiny. In fact, some of the sweetest spirits are housed in frail or imperfect bodies. Great spiritual strength is often developed by people with physical challenges, precisely because they are so challenged." - Elder Russel M. Nelson
"If you come upon a person who is drowning, would you ask if they need help—or would it be better to just jump in and save them from the deepening waters? The offer, while well meaning and often given, 'Let me know if I can help' is really no help at all." - Elder Ronald A. Rasband
"We have been taught that “it is as obligatory upon a woman to draw into her life the virtues that are fostered by the Relief Society as it is an obligation for the men to build into their lives the patterns of character fostered by the priesthood.'" - Sister Julie B. Beck (quoting Elder Boyd K. Packer)
"We value scholarship that enhances understanding, but in the Church today, just as anciently, establishing the doctrine of Christ or correcting doctrinal deviations is a matter of divine revelation to those the Lord endows with apostolic authority." - Elder D. Todd Christofferson
"When compared to eternal verities, most of the questions and concerns of daily living are really rather trivial. What should we have for dinner? What color should we paint the living room? Should we sign Johnny up for soccer? These questions and countless others like them lose their significance when times of crisis arise, when loved ones are hurt or injured, when sickness enters the house of good health, when life’s candle dims and darkness threatens." - President Thomas S. Monson
"His Atonement and Resurrection provide all of us an escape from physical death and, if we repent, an escape from spiritual death, bringing with it the blessings of eternal life." - Elder L. Tom Perry
"'There can be no genuine happiness separate and apart from the home. … There is no happiness without service, and there is no service greater than that which converts the home into a divine institution, and which promotes and preserves family life. … The home is what needs reforming'" - Elder M. Russell Ballard (quoting President Joseph F. Smith)
"Brothers and sisters, the most important cause of our lifetime is our families. If we will devote ourselves to this cause, we will improve every other aspect of our lives and will become, as a people and as a church, an example and a beacon for all peoples of the earth." - Elder M. Russell Ballard
"[A]nytime we try to compel someone to righteousness who can and should be exercising his or her own moral agency, we are acting unrighteously." - Elder Larry Y. Wilson
"My dear brothers and sisters, we can build up His Church and see real growth as we work to bring the blessings of the gospel to our family and to those we love." - Elder David F. Evans
"The sacred cannot be selectively surrendered. Those who choose to abandon even one sacred thing will have their minds darkened (see D&C 84:54), and unless they repent, the light they have shall be taken from them (see D&C 1:33). Unanchored by the sacred, they will find themselves morally adrift on a secular sea. In contrast, those who hold sacred things sacred receive promises: 'That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day' (D&C 50:24)." - Elder Paul B. Pieper
"Being a disciple [of Christ] in these days of destiny will be a badge of honor throughout the eternities." - Elder Neal L. Anderson
"Discipleship is believing Him in seasons of peace and believing Him in seasons of difficulty, when our pain and fear are calmed only by the conviction that He loves us and keeps His promises." - Elder Neal L. Anderson
"If there are disagreements or contentions among you, I urge you to settle them now." - President Thomas S. Monson
* Note: I tend to disagree with commentators, such as Matthew Bowman who suggest that the doctrines of the Church are murky, muddied and shifting (e.g., "[t]here is a great deal which Mormons might believe; there is very little that they must believe.")
Although there are many things that we may never fully know or understand in this life (e.g., why the Lord permitted, and in some cases required, the practice of polygamy among the early saints or why the Lord denied the priesthood to black Africans and their descendents prior to 1978), it is not at all difficult to discover the saving doctrines of the Gospel by, for instance, studying the revealed word of God contained in the holy scriptures and as delivered by His servants in General Conference. The same cannot be said with respect to the exact location of Kolob or whether Adam had a belly button.
We have been promised that, in the Lord's own due time, all truth (religious and scientific) will be revealed and we will cease to "see through a glass, darkly." I look forward to that day with all my heart because, although I have long since overcome my doubts about the truthfulness of the Gospel of Christ as restored to the earth, I have about a million questions. Nevertheless, until that glorious day of promise comes, I know what I'm going to spend my (limited) time studying.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Love Echoes

Love Echoes
Sweetly, fully, gently
A mother's unforced love
Giving, helping, sharing
A treasure from above
Beauty, goodness, virtue
Locked within a glance
Reaching, caring, saving
She gives the world a chance
Her worth, no mortal tongue may tell,
This precious gift was giv'n
And sent to lowely earth to dwell
A living glimpse of heav'n
My pen is reaching to express
My thankful heart, yet still
These words could ne'er quite convey
The gratefulness I feel
But thank you, thank you, mother dear
Your son, still standing true,
Would shout these words for all to hear
Dear mother, I love you
"Mother,* NOTE: The letter also included a short message from my companion at the time, Elder Greg Cottrell:
Thank you for the love and the support you've given me. The Sons of Helaman may have had wonderful mothers, but I don't know how they couold possibly compare with you. You do so much for our family, the community and the world. You are the original Super Mom. ... Thank you, and Happy, Happy Birthday, Mother Dear, happiness will come to you all year.
Love, Matt"
The Cottrell Corner: Mom! Happy Birthday! I hope you can forgive me for all the years I've missed. You're great! Okay, so I've never met you, but your son is great, so he must have a great mother. Thanks for reading "The Cottrell Corner" and Happy Birthday.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Each Life that Touches Ours for Good

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."In this life of difficulty and conflict, the Lord often grants us tender mercies that, among other things, "fortify and protect us in the troubled times in which we do now and will yet live." As I can now testify, such tender mercies also give us strength and comfort to face the many challenges inherent in this sphere of existence, often coming in the very hour when we most need that strength and comfort.
Indeed, as Elder David A. Bednar explained:
When words cannot provide the solace we need or express the joy we feel, when it is simply futile to attempt to explain that which is unexplainable, when logic and reason cannot yield adequate understanding about the injustices and inequities of life, when mortal experience and evaluation are insufficient to produce a desired outcome, and when it seems that perhaps we are so totally alone, truly we are blessed by the tender mercies of the Lord and made mighty even unto the power of deliverance.In the days and weeks since the death of my wonderful mother, Sherie Porter Wright, on March 10, 2012, the Lord has poured out His tender mercies on me and my family in great abundance.

As one instance of such mercies, the Lord has allowed me glimpses into the many ways in which my mother served and touched the lives of her neighbors and community. Such glimpses have come through comments and stories from family, friends, neighbors, mourners and strangers (at least to me), many of which have come in the form of letters and cards, such as the examples below:
"When I moved here I had no friends and was judged for my appearance (I had lots of tattoos). Sherie was the first person who genuinely embraced me. Loraine Whitear introduced us and since that day Sherie was my friend. She was always so happy to see me - at school or at home. I wasn't active, but she didn't care. When I started going to church and 'Sisters in Scriptures,' she always made my daughter Shiloh feel safe and happy to go to nursery at 6 months old. Sherie always made me feel loved, even when no one loved me. Sherie had the true love of Christ and she blessed me with that. I will always hold her close to my heart. I will always know that I am lovable because Sherie loved me. Thank you for sharing her with us."
"Dear Sherie - You probably don't know who I am, but I know who you are and I wanted to tell you that you are a great example to me of faith, courage and steadfastness. I look up to you and think you truly are an outstanding woman. May God give you the strength you need to continue on with life. My prayers are with you and your family."
"You are such an example and inspiration to me and so many others I know that even during this trial in your life, you continue to be an example of strength, love of the gospel and the peace that comes from living righteously."The above are a small sample of the volumes that have been (or could be) written by the many individuals who have been (and continue to be) blessed by the life of my angel mother. The true impact of her life on this world may not be recounted in the annals of world history, but she will ever stand in the records of heaven as one of the choice daughters of our Heavenly Father who loved Him by serving and loving His children.

I love you, mom, and I simply can't wait until the glorious day of promise when I can see (and hug) you again.
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Literary Musings of Mark Wright (circa 1993)
Bless our public school teachers. They may not be perfect, but, by golly, they deserve our respect (and a much better salary). After all, without them, I would never have come across the following tales (reproduced exactly from the original) written by my younger brother Mark when he was in the second grade (as he tells me now, these musings show only a glimmer of his fecund seven-year-old imagination):*
* I found this book while going through my family's memory boxes. Lesson? As an expectant parent, I'd best make sure to pay attention to (and keep) all such treasures.
"The Day I Learned to Fly"
One day a witch came and I asked her if I could fly, so I got to fly and I went to see if it worked. I finely started to fly. I could see everyone in the city. I went over to my friend's house. They said, "how did you do that?" I told them, "a witch told me I could fly." But when I said that, I tried to fly and I fell flat on my face.
"All About Me"
I like riding horses. I also like going to the zoo. My favorite color is blue. My favorite food is pizza. My best friend is Bret Osborne. I like playing transformers with my friends. I have nine people in my family. I also like watching T.V. with my friends. I write with my right hand. My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite animal in the zoo is a bear. I like reading pages. My favorite cartoon show is Batman.
[Editors Note: Mark still likes bears and watching T.V. He insists his favorite show at the time he wrote this was actually X-Men.]
"My Family"
I have 9 people in my family. This their names: Kelly, Sara, Mike, Sharry, Matt, Amy, Timothy, Thomas and me. I like going camping with my family. I also like going to the store. My dad is 40 years old and my mom is 30 years old an dike is 13 years old. I have 4 pets. They are a rabbit called Lacie and a dog named Cotton and I have 2 cats named Pumpkin and Garfield.
[Editor's Note: My mom and dad are, in reality, only nine months apart in age.]
"My Friend the Ghost"
One Halloween night I went to the graveyard to see my dead grandpa. Then a ghost came out of the grave. Then I said hi and then the ghost became my friend. Then we played Nintendo and he won. Then we played checkers but then I won. After, we went trick-or-treating. The ghost scared everyone. We went back to the graveyard and we both said good-by. I went home and went to bed.
[Editor's Note: Both of Mark's grandfathers were alive when he wrote this. Also, the most improbable part of the tale is Mark losing at Nintendo (even to a ghost). Mark is a serious gamer.]
"Escape of the Thanksgiving Turkeys"
One day, the turkeys went on an airplane to New York. They were going to have Thanksgiving in California, but went to New York instead. They went to New York and got ate by the pilgrims and Indians. That was the first Thanksgiving.
[Editor's Note: This account is remarkably consistent with Squanto's story of the first Thanksgiving]
"Our Thanksgiving Feast"
At first we go to the store and buy turkey and stuffing. We go home and cook the turkey. And in a little while we take it out and stuff it with stuffing. We also have rolls and jello and mashed potatoes and gravy. Then we set the table and put everything on the table. We all sit down and eat. I go to eat in a cabin. My favorite food at Thanksgiving is jello.
"December, 1993"
I've been a good boy this year. This is what I have done, I've been nice to my friends, help my mom do the dishes, and I helped my dad clean the shed. I'm thankful that last year for Christmas you brought me a fort with horses and people. I would like the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I would also like the movie Beethoven, and some money. Your Friend, Mark Wright
[Editor's Note: None of Mark's claimed acts of goodness have been verified. Also, Mark still likes money.]
"An Elf in my Stocking"
One Christmas morning I looked into my stocking. In my stocking was an elf. He was 6 inches tall. We got him out and he said what do you want from me. I would like a Wooden Reindeer. So he built me the Wooden Reindeer. Then I said what is your name? He said my name is Christmas Tree. All of the year we played with all my toys. I wrote a note that said, Santa please come and get your elf. I put the note on my stocking. The next day was Christmas morning I got up and looked in my stocking, the elf was gone. I said thank you for coming and getting your elf. Good-bye!
[Editor's Note: True story. Every word.]
"My Own America"
I am glad to be an American were I know I'm free. I like the beautiful place and you get to do whatever you want to do. I can watch any movie I want to, but not R rated movies. I'm never going to move from America. I can read any book I want to. I can see anyone I want to.
"I Wish I Had ..."
I wish I had a dragons head so I could breath fire. I wish I had it so I could scare my teacher and my friends. So I went to the wishing well and wished I had a dragons head and I dropped a penny in there. But it would be a problem because my mother would not know who I was. So I got my dragons head and scared my teacher and my friends. But then I got home my mother said "What is that?" So I went back to the wishing well and wished the dragon head was not there. I threw in another penny and the dragons head was gone and I went home and played with my friends.
[Editor's Note: As with all great writers, Mark's tales share certain recurring themes and motifs. For instance, there is the "wish to be something, become something, grow tired of the new something and wish to return to normal" theme and the "really like to scare people" theme. Can you see any others?]
"How to Lose a Tooth"
First, I wiggle it to get it loose. If that doesn't work, then I get a string and tie it to a door. Then I slam the door. If that doesn't work, I use my dad's pliers to pull all my teeth out and it all most always works.
"The Day the Valentines Came Alive"
On the day we passed out Valentines one of the bags started to shake. Then all of them started to shake. So we took out all our Valentines and they jumped all over the place. We grabbed them and opened them. We found hearts jumping all over the place. They said, "I love you."
"My Kite Flying Adventure"
One day I made a kite. The kite was green, red, and blue. It was 3 feet long. I flew it in the air and it went so I high I went with it. We went really high and then the kite got stuck in the tree. I threw the kite back in the air and off we went. Then the wind stopped blowing and me and my kite both fell to the ground. Then we went home.
[Editor's Note: Add a stuffed tiger and you could call these tales "The Adventures of Mark and Hobbes."]
"The Day I Turned Green"
One day in March it was close to St. Patrick's day. Then it was the day before St. Patricks day I found a Leprechaun and he said "Do you want a wish?" I said yes, so I got my wish. It was to turn green like a Leprechaun. So he turned me green and I shrunk. I went around in trees and scared people. I tried to find the Leprechaun so I could have my last wish. I found him after a while and said turn me back to a human. So he did.
"April Showers Bring ..."
April showers bring grasshoppers, armies of ants, golden books, gold horses, rainbows, flowers, golden rabbits and birds.
[Editor's Note: Horses may be Mark's favorite non-zoo animal, but gold horses are everyone's favorite non-zoo animal.]
"The Most Important Thing About Mark"
The most important thing about Mark is he likes his teacher. He laughs a lot. He likes riding horses. He likes playing baseball, football, soccer and basketball. His favorite food is pizza and nachos. He likes snakes. But the most important thing about Mark is he likes his teacher.
[Editor's Note: The MOST important thing about Mark is he learned to be a brown-nosing suck up very early in life.]
* I found this book while going through my family's memory boxes. Lesson? As an expectant parent, I'd best make sure to pay attention to (and keep) all such treasures.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Men and Women of Integrity

In a speech given at BYU in December 2011, Elder Tad R. Callister lays out, rather succinctly, what the life of Sir Thomas More can teach us about being men and women of integrity:
["A Man for All Seasons"] is the story of Sir Thomas More. He had distinguished himself as a scholar, a lawyer, an ambassador, and, finally, as Lord Chancellor of England. He was a man of absolute integrity. The play opens with these words of Sir Richard Rich: 'Every man has his price! . . . In money too. . . . Or pleasure. Titles, women, bricks-and-mortar, there’s always something.' That is the theme of the play. It is also the theme of life. Is there a man or woman in this world who cannot be bought, whose integrity is beyond price?
The answer, whether you look to the play, the scriptures or the lives of those excellent (and relatively obscure) individuals who raise the world on the shoulders of their personal values, is yes. A resounding yes.
As the play continues, the tides of fate force More to face the ultimate test: Will you stand true to your internal moral compass even if doing so would cost you your life? Elder Callister continues:
As the play unfolds, King Henry VIII desires to divorce Queen Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn. But there is a catch: divorce is forbidden by the Catholic Church. And so King Henry VIII, not to be thwarted in his desires, demands of his subjects the taking of an oath that will support him in his divorce. But there is a further problem. Sir Thomas More, who is loved and admired by the common people, is a holdout—his conscience will not let him sign the oath. He is unwilling to submit, even at the king’s personal request. Then come the tests. His friends apply their personal charm and pressure, but he will not yield. He is stripped of his wealth, his position, and his family, but he will not sign.
At the climax of the play, Sir Thomas More is being falsely tried for treason. Sir Richard Rich commits the perjury necessary to convict him. As Sir Richard Rich exits the courtroom, Sir Thomas More asks Rich, 'That’s a chain of office you are wearing. . . . What [is it]?'
Prosecutor Thomas Cromwell replies, 'Sir Richard is appointed Attorney-General for Wales.'
More then looks into Rich’s face with great disdain and retorts, 'For Wales? Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. . . . But for Wales!?'**
Sir Richard Rich serves the perfect foil for More - the paragon of integrity - through his willingness to cheaply dispose of his integrity (which, as More and the Savior so clearly point out, is in reality his soul).
But how many of us sell our integrity (soul) so much more cheaply? For a better score on an exam? For a raise? For a few hours of entertainment? For a free (or discounted) meal? For recognition from our co-workers? For temporary (or perceived) freedom from mental pain or social duties? Again, turning to Elder Callister:
A lack of integrity is a major problem in the world. That deficiency undermines every business transaction and every spousal, family, and social relationship it touches. It is a concern of every profession. There are attorneys who bill for hours of service that they never rendered; physicians who recommend surgeries and procedures that were never needed; teachers who fail to prepare lessons but deposit their paychecks just the same; and, unfortunately, politicians whose integrity is governed by popular polls rather than by eternal principles. It is a day and age in which men and women of integrity are in desperate demand but in short supply.
In this sad world, many of us have, in one way or another, already sold our integrity. Fortunately, though, through the atonement of Christ, such a sale need not be final. Indeed, if we are willing to pay the price of repentance (which includes the hefty price tag of a lifelong change in thought and action), we can regain our integrity, the crown jewel of virtues, and be able to stand squarely with More, proclaiming to an honor-starved world world that our integrity is "NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE!"
* I should note that I adore this tale independent of the extent to which it presents an exact portrait of the More of history. From what I've read, the play is, at least in spirit, modeled quite closely on the historic hero (described, nearly 450 years after his execution, as "the first great Englishman whom we feel that we know, the most saintly of humanists, the most human of saints, the universal man of our cool northern renaissance"). Nevertheless, I firmly believe that we should strive to equal the legacy left by the literary More whether that figure was sculpted entirely from the mold of the historic More or not.
** Some other key quotes from the play:
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
* * * * *
Duke of Norfolk: Oh, confound all this.... I'm not a scholar, as Master Cromwell never tires of pointing out, and frankly I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not. But damn it, Thomas, look at those names.... You know those men! Can't you do what I did, and come with us, for fellowship?
Sir Thomas More: And when we stand before God, and you are sent to Paradise for doing according to your conscience, and I am damned for not doing according to mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?"
* * * * *
Sir Thomas More: I think that when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos.
* * * * *
Sir Thomas More: [talking to the witnesses for his execution] I am commanded by the King to be brief, and since I am the King's obedient subject, brief I will be. I die his Majesty's good servant but God's first.
[to the executioner]
Sir Thomas More: I forgive you right readily.
[he gives him a coin]
Sir Thomas More: Be not afraid of your office; you send me to God.
Archbishop Cranmer: You're very sure of that, Sir Thomas?
Sir Thomas More: He will not refuse one who is so blithe to go to him.
[he kneels and puts his head on the chopping block]
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