This morning while deciding what Conference talks to listen to on my way into work (nothing inspires a better day than listening to the words of the prophets and leaders of the Church), I stopped on the talk by Sister Beck given at the last GRSM.

It was phenomenal. I've always considered Sister Beck rather astounding, but this was particularly excellent.
Two points from that superb talk:
Point 1: Sister Beck quotes a talk by Pres. Uchtdorf where, as Sister Beck recounts, Pres. Uchtdorf told BYU students:
'A wise man once distinguished between "the noble art of getting things done" and "a nobler art of leaving things undone." True "wisdom in life," he taught, consists of "the elimination of non-essentials."' President Uchtdorf then asked: 'What are the nonessential things that clutter your days and steal your time? What are the habits you may have developed that do not serve a useful purpose? What are the unfinished or unstarted things that could add vigor, meaning, and joy to your life?'
Ok ... so I don't have an answer for that one yet. But I'm going to. How amazing will it be to cut out those non-essential activities that do, in fact, clutter my life? I mean, how much time have I been wasting on things that in the grand scheme (or even just in this earthly scheme) don't matter a two-pence or a hey-nonny-nonny?
Answer: Far, far too much. Fortunately, thanks to Sister Beck, I now have a new goal.
Point 2: Actually, this is more of a question. Part-way through the talk, Sister Beck mentioned certain RS meetings formerly known as "home, family, and personal enrichment" meetings. I know I am admitting far more of my daftness than I should, but I nevertheless must ask, what are/were these meetings? Are they just the RS "enrichment" meetings that I hear about from time to time?
I can't believe I haven't been listening to the GRSM until now. Purposefully depriving myself of amazingly spiritual and uplifting talks inspiring me to a better life? Silly Matt ...