Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010: The Year of the Half-Marathon ...

Last year, one of my goals was to run four half marathons. For various reasons (all of which boil down to the fact that I am, apparently, weak sauce), I only ran one.

This year, I'm kicking the goal up a notch to five (and possibly a marathon ... still deciding about that one).

And to make sure I reach that goal, I've already done the research and selected the races. So, in chronological order, here are my half-marathons for 2010:

(1) Garden Spot Village Half Marathon, New Holland, PA (April 10);

(2) Trail Triple Crown Half Marathon, Newark, DE (April 24);

(3) LEAD Strong Half Marathon, Freeland, MD (May 1);

(4) Double Creek Half Marathon, Dover, PA (June 19);

(5) Suncrest Mountain Race Half Marathon, Draper, UT (Sept. 12).*

Farewell sweets; hello asphalt ... just call me Rocky.

* NOTE 1: This last half marathon may be switched or postponed if I decide to run the Top of Utah Marathon in Logan, UT (Sept. 18).

UPDATE: Half-marathon #1 is paid for and ready to go. Boo-yah!

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