They say that the Monday of the last full week in January (MLK Day) is traditionally the most depressing day of the year because of (1) high credit card debt from the hoildays, (2) the long, cold, darkness of winter at its dreariest, and (3) most people give up their New Year's resolutions about this time.
Tragedy, my friends, unmitigated tragedy. Ok, so I'll give you that the cold, dark disgustingness of a thick January inversion isn't liable to take many people to the land of sunshine and rainbows ... but forsaking those newly-made resolutions? What gives? Twenty-two days into the rest of our lives and already the majority are packing in the gym socks, giving up on love, and pulling out those old nicotine deathsticks.
And it makes me wonder all the more ... how many people actually keep those resolutions past Dark Monday? Are there any sticklers still straddling that Thin Blue Line (random British comedy reference) and keeping their resolutions into May? August? December?
I hope so. And, what's more, I hope I'm one of them and that this time next year finds me thin and sexy, in love ("Its not too late to find a mate in 2008"), and smoke free ;) Cheers.